How to Light a Fire in a Fireplace or Wood Stove

How to Light a Fire in a Fireplace or Wood Stove

We know how cozy it is to sit by a hot fire on a bitterly, cold Winter night. However, it can be challenging to know how to light a fire!  The best way to build a fire in a fireplace, or wood stove, is to start with dry wood.  According to a study at The University of...
Heating With Wood During the Pandemic

Heating With Wood During the Pandemic

Heating with wood during the pandemic is very popular! A warm, cozy home is more important now then ever! More people are working from home, or taking classes online this winter. It used to be that the thermostat was turned down while the family was gone for the day....
How to Burn BIO BLOCK Firewood Compared to Other Fuel

How to Burn BIO BLOCK Firewood Compared to Other Fuel

Build a roaring BIO BLOCK fire in minutes for your holiday gathering! Everyone enjoys sitting around a cozy fire, however, it is often a challenge to light traditional firewood.  If you have never used compressed sawdust blocks, as a firewood alternative, I will give...
Plan Now for Cold Weather – Heat with BIO BLOCK Firewood

Plan Now for Cold Weather – Heat with BIO BLOCK Firewood

The days are getting shorter as the nights are getting cooler. The weather is changing and children are heading back to school. All of a sudden we are very aware that Fall and Winter weather are right around the corner!  It’s time to plan for heating with BIO...
Enjoy Summer This Year – Leave The Work To Us

Enjoy Summer This Year – Leave The Work To Us

Hot summer days are here! Sitting under a tree with a good book and a refreshing glass of lemonade is more appealing than the thought of processing firewood. Cutting and stacking firewood is a hot, time consuming, back breaking job. If cutting and splitting firewood...

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