Getting Ready for Another Cold Winter

Getting Ready for Another Cold Winter

As the kids return to school, the nights get a little cooler, and it’s dark earlier in the evenings, we know the warm, summer weather is winding down. Many people have spent many hours this summer cutting and splitting firewood to prepare for winter. The Old...
FAQ: Are BIO BLOCKS safe for cooking?

FAQ: Are BIO BLOCKS safe for cooking?

Can wood waste be held together without any glue or additives? The short answer is Yes! BIO BLOCKS are safe for cooking because they are made out of recycled, environmentally friendly wood waste without any binders added. The long answer is that because briquettes are...
Christmas Gift Basket Available

Christmas Gift Basket Available

This beautiful gift basket is the perfect idea if you are looking for a truly unique gift. The Maple veneer basket is handcrafted by an Amish family in Wayne County, Ohio. It contains a pack of 8 BIO BLOCKS and a bag of 4 BIO BLOCK Fire Starters. What a great way to...

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