Prefers BIO BLOCKS over traditional firewood.

I have been burning blocks for a couple of years. They are a lot easier then wood to use. I have been burning wood this year because I had some Maple trees cut down and kept the wood. Burning BIO BLOCKS last year and wood this year has convinced me to go to blocks...

Excited to use BIO BLOCKS and fire starters in wood stove.

I want to thank you for such a fine product. For the last two years, I have used the BIO BLOCKS in my wood stove and wood burner. They have performed flawlessly and compliment the split wood perfectly. Easy to store, no bark or bugs (which is my pet peeve with cutting...

Amazed at Heat Output of BIO BLOCKS!

Hi there!! I have finally tried these blocks in my fireplace and I am so amazed! My husband and I had bought a “pellet basket” where you can burn wood pellets in a fireplace or wood stove, and they don’t produce anywhere near the heat these do. Not...

Nothing Works like BIO BLOCKS!

I build a fire often with my girls. What I love about BIO BLOCKS is that I can do a double decker fire. It has a consistent burn and is an amazing product. I’ve tried tons of products and nothing works like BIO BLOCKS!

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