Delighted With BIO BLOCKS In Tiny Wood Stove In RV

Delighted With BIO BLOCKS In Tiny Wood Stove In RV

I am delighted with your BIO BLOCKS! I recently installed a Cubic wood stove in a tiny RV and have tried various solid fuel products in the last few months. By far, BIO BLOCKS work best. They are easy to handle, the perfect size, clean, and chemical free. One block...


Oh my! I have been burning traditional wood for some time. However during the current cold snap and rainy weather we ran out! I panicked because we heat with wood and have, not to great, electric baseboard for heat backup. We picked up some of these bio blocks and I...

Best Firewood Product You Can Buy!

I burned BIO BLOCKS in my fire pit. This is the best firewood product you can buy for the cost. It doesn’t smell – no chemicals.

Follow the Instructions on Lighting BIO BLOCKS

Well I bought the Bio Blocks and the first time I tried to use them I did not have any luck, but once I followed the instructions “men fail to do this at first” I had great success! I will never go back to the fake logs or firewood again. Very warm and...

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