How to Light a Fire in a Fireplace or Wood Stove

How to Light a Fire in a Fireplace or Wood Stove

We know how cozy it is to sit by a hot fire on a bitterly, cold Winter night. However, it can be challenging to know how to light a fire!  The best way to build a fire in a fireplace, or wood stove, is to start with dry wood.  According to a study at The University of...
Fuel for a Mini Wood Burning Stove

Fuel for a Mini Wood Burning Stove

Do you need fuel for a mini wood burning stove in an RV, boat, or tiny house? BIO BLOCKS are an ideal size for a small wood stove. Each fuel block is 2 1/2″ x 6″ x 3 5/8″ and weighs 1.92 lbs. I received an email from a woman, from California, who was...
How to Burn BIO BLOCK Firewood Compared to Other Fuel

How to Burn BIO BLOCK Firewood Compared to Other Fuel

Build a roaring BIO BLOCK fire in minutes for your holiday gathering! Everyone enjoys sitting around a cozy fire, however, it is often a challenge to light traditional firewood.  If you have never used compressed sawdust blocks, as a firewood alternative, I will give...
Choose a Clean Burning Alternative to Firewood this Year

Choose a Clean Burning Alternative to Firewood this Year

A cold winter is predicted for this year. Are you dreading the work involved with keeping your wood stove filled and the ashes cleaned? Why not consider a simpler, cleaner alternative to firewood? BIO BLOCKS offer the convenience we all need with busy schedules. They...
Purchase an Efficient Wood Stove and Receive a Biomass Tax Credit

Purchase an Efficient Wood Stove and Receive a Biomass Tax Credit

There is no better time than now to consider purchasing an efficient wood stove. According to the calendar, Spring has arrived! We are all ready to think of warm, sunny days. Before moving your winter coat to the back of the closet, and cleaning the ashes out of your...

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