Wood Briquettes – The Perfect Solution for an Easy Campfire

Wood Briquettes – The Perfect Solution for an Easy Campfire

Have you ever planned to host a party on a beautiful, summer evening and had trouble getting your fire started? It can be extremely frustrating to try to start a fire with wet firewood! BIO BLOCK wood briquettes are the perfect solution for an easy campfire! They are...
It’s Possible to Save Our Trees & Still Enjoy Campfires!

It’s Possible to Save Our Trees & Still Enjoy Campfires!

After a long winter, we are all ready to get outside. It’s time to enjoy a little fresh air, pick a few spring flowers and hear the birds sing. More importantly, it’s time to move our fires to the great outdoors! During the month of April, we celebrate...
Outdoor Cooking and Campfires – Transporting Firewood

Outdoor Cooking and Campfires – Transporting Firewood

Outdoor cooking and campfires were included as popular activities in several reports that studied camping patterns in the United States. The following camping items were listed as essential and ranked in importance as: 1) A tent  2) sleeping bags  3) firewood and...

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