The National Hardware Retailing Magazine Features BIO BLOCKS

The National Hardware Retailing Magazine Features BIO BLOCKS

BIO BLOCKS are highlighted in The National Hardware Magazine as filling a unique niche in the firewood market. The article states that repurposed sawdust, compressed into a fire block, is a popular seller. Compared to traditional firewood, customers love how stackable...
BIO BLOCKS are Easy to Transport

BIO BLOCKS are Easy to Transport

Memorial Day, graduation parties, summer vacations and the camping season are just around the corner. Bon fires and barbeques are a big part of any summer gathering. Why not plan ahead this year and take several packs of BIO BLOCKS with you? Since the blocks are made...
The Simplest Way to Start a Fire

The Simplest Way to Start a Fire

Let’s face it! We all love to sit around a cozy fire on a cold winter evening but who wants to spend half of the evening getting a fire started? I’ll offer a few suggestions on how to start a fire with firewood and/or BIO BLOCKS. I have found the simplest...
A Practical Gift Idea – One Your Whole Family Will Enjoy!

A Practical Gift Idea – One Your Whole Family Will Enjoy!

Have you thought about giving your parents a gift they never got before but actually need? (Shhh, don’t tell anyone but you’re giving the gift to yourself too!) I know of a customer who purchased a whole pallet (88 – 12 packs) for his parents and...
Store your fuel inside and stay warm!

Store your fuel inside and stay warm!

With the blanket of snow, below normal temperatures and chilling wind that seemed to usher winter in early, I am extremely thankful that I can store my wood inside where it is warm! We stack one pallet of BIO BLOCKS near our wood stove. 88 packs are easier and much...

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