Camping season is here! Are you aware of firewood restrictions where you are camping?
Summer is here and that means camping, family vacations and fun! Many of us have memories sitting around a campfire as a child, singing songs, telling stories, roasting hot dogs and of course, making s’mores. As adults, watching the flickering flames of a...
BIO BLOCK Firewood Makes it Earth Day Every Day!
Are you looking for a way to participate in upcoming Earth Day, or Arbor Day activities, but don’t feel like you have a large block of time to commit? Planting a tree may not work if you don’t have the space or resources to do so. Saving a tree is...
Choose a Clean Burning Alternative to Firewood this Year
A cold winter is predicted for this year. Are you dreading the work involved with keeping your wood stove filled and the ashes cleaned? Why not consider a simpler, cleaner alternative to firewood? BIO BLOCKS offer the convenience we all need with busy schedules. They...