I often hear from campers how much they like using BIO BLOCKS for their campfires. One camper told me he has a compartment in his RV dedicated for BIO BLOCKS! Often firewood that is purchased at campgrounds may be wet or green making it hard to start.

BIO BLOCKS are easy to transport, stack and store in your camper. Because they are made of kiln-dried wood waste, there are no restrictions for carrying BIO BLOCKS across state lines. The oh.gov website states that the Federal quarantine remains in effect, making it illegal to transport ash trees or any hardwood firewood. Our local newspaper, The Daily Record, reported on Sept. 20, that Orrville is cutting down 30 ash trees that were killed by the Emerald Ash Borer. Because I find it relaxing to be in nature, I’d hate to see anymore trees be harmed!

The watertight, deluxe Flaming Firewood Pack is the perfect way to enjoy an outdoor fire this fall! It contains everything you need to make a memory – 12 BIO BLOCKS, 1 Fire Starter, Kindling and matches – you provide the supplies for smores!

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